Follow Your Dreams Friday: 10 Questions with Robyn Peterman
Today's Follow Your Dreams Friday interview is with Lexington native and New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Robyn Peterman. Robyn is one seriously cool and interesting lady -- a former Broadway actress turned writer of paranormal romance novels. And, it seems that "being fascinating" is her family business: her husband is actor Steve Zahn, who's been in just about every movie you've ever loved, from Reality Bites to You've Got Mail to Dallas Buyers Club, while her father, John Peterman, founded the J. Peterman Company, which produces the greatest catalog of all time. Robyn graciously answered our questions about life, writing, and family.
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HK: Tell us about yourself.
RP: Hello my name is Robyn…I’m a wife, mom, taxi driver, dish washer, clothes folder, bed maker and a NYT best selling author of snarky sexy paranormal and contemporary romance. Actually, I never make the bed. Ever.
I write because the people inside my head won’t leave me alone until I give them life on paper. My addictions include laughing really hard with friends, shoes (the expensive kind), Target, Coke Zero Cherry with extra ice in a styrofoam cup, bejeweled reading glasses, my kids, my super-hot hubby and collecting stray animals. I am a former professional actress, with Broadway, film and T.V. credits. I now live in the south with my family and too many animals to count. Writing gives me peace and makes me whole, plus having a job where I can work in my underpants works really well for me.
HK: You trained as an actress; when did you first get interested in writing?
RP: I spent most of my adult as an actress, but I’ve always written. However, I never actually finished a book until two years ago! Now I have seven books published with two more coming out this fall.
HK: Your fiction isn’t for the faint of heart. Tell us a little bit about it.
RP: I write the books I want to read. Yes, they are snarky, profane and people have been known to do the nasty in them, but they are funny and I adore writing them. I had no clue if readers would enjoy them, but I have been delighted with feedback, sales and reviews.
Fashionably Dead by Robyn Peterman
HK: You come up with some absolutely hilarious turns of phrases, a lot of which I can’t really quote here on the blog. Things like this gem on the perks of immortality: “Now I’m a Vampyre. Yes, we exist whether we want to or not. However, I have to admit, the perks aren’t bad. My girls no longer jiggle, my ass is higher than a kite and the latest Prada keeps finding its way to my wardrobe.” My takeaway from your books is that none of us should take ourselves too seriously. Is that a fair read on them?
RP: Yes. Yes. Yes.
HK: You come from a family of big personalities; is storytelling everywhere in the Peterman-Zahn household?
RP: My family is fantastically nutty. We are loaded with actors, screen writers and maverick entrepreneurs. My kids are a riot and we are a very happy bunch!
John O'Hurley as "J. Peterman" on Seinfeld.
HK: Like so many folks, I still can’t get over Seinfeld. I had the pleasure of meeting your father when he spoke to my management class in college; he was a fascinating guy, and far less insane than John O’Hurley’s character. What was it like seeing a fictional version of your dad on Seinfeld?
RP: It was great seeing my dad spoofed on Seinfeld. He got a huge kick out of it! Ironically I ended up doing a movie called Sour Grapes (directed and written by Larry David, the creator of Seinfeld) He had no clue I was J. Peterman’s real life daughter until I told him the first day of shooting.
HK: My favorite Steve Zahn character is Davis from Treme. Which of your husband’s characters is your favorite?
RP: It’s hard for me to pick a favorite character for Steve. I am biased and I think he’s amazing in everything. However, I do love to watch him in Happy Texas and Saving Silverman.
HK: Do you have a favorite character you’ve written, or is that like asking a parent to choose a favorite child?
RP: My favorite characters are always the ones I’m writing about at the time. I fall in love easily and adore them all equally.
HK: Do you have any warnings for potential readers of your series?
RP: Not really. Readers can read the description and read a sample of the book. I know when I look for books, I read a sample and often check out the reviews. People love me or hate me…they are very rarely neutral.
HK: What advice do you have for HerKentucky readers who are working on a novel of their own?
RP: My advice to writers is simply to write. You have nothing to lose. I am forty-blahblahblah and I have a new successful career. Write what you love, but be aware of the market to a certain degree. You may have a passion for writing about the magical unicorns that helped win the Civil War, but you might have a hard time finding an audience.
Writing groups are essential for me and honest critique partners and beta readers are heavenly. First drafts can suck the wad—don’t worry. That’s what second, third and fourth drafts are for. AND editors are a must.
It’s a wonderful time for authors right now. There are a variety of ways to be published. I am a hybrid author. I am both indie and published through NY. I am a member of Romance Writers of America and KIW (Kentucky Independent Writers).
Writing rocks and if you want to do it, just do it. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t…
In addition to the fascinating stories and amazing advice, Robyn has offered four e-books of her title Fashionably Dead Down Under to lucky HerKentucky readers. You can enter using the Rafflecopter widget below!
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