2013 River's Edge International Film Festival
I know what y'all think. Even if you won't admit it to me, you think there's not a lot to do in Paducah.
Well, you're wrong.
We've got quilts and barbecue and we've got our very own film festival!
Founded nine years ago, the River's Edge International Film Festival is dedicated to showcasing quality independent films from around the world. For three days in early November, Paducah becomes a hot spot for theatric artistry and cinema innovation!
Run by our small arts cinema, Maiden Alley Cinema, and staffed entirely by volunteers, the River's Edge International Film Festival screens every type of film from features to documentaries to animated shorts.
So, if you love film and have been looking for a reason to visit us in the Western part of the state now's your chance!
For more history of the film festival and insider's tips, check out Paducah Life Magazine's cover story on the film festival from 2012.
~ Sarah Stewart Holland