Louisville Stoneware 2013 Komen Birdhouse

Y'all know that I just love Louisville Stoneware. I've been collecting for as long as I can remember, and I just love the mix of elegance and  whimsy that it adds to my kitchen.
21C  Penguin Birdhouse Salt-and-Pepper Shakers? Yes, please!
Now, they already had me at "locally-produced for two centuries", but in recent years, Louisville Stoneware has given me yet another reason to love their product with their Komen Birdhouse Collection. For the past five years, Louisville Stoneware has created  a gorgeous piece of birdhouse art in conjunction with breast cancer awareness month. A percentage of the proceeds from this birdhouse will go back to the Louisville chapter of Komen for the Cure, helping women right here in our community!

My beau and I attended the unveiling of the Fifth Annual Komen Birdhouse earlier this week. Let me tell you, that event made me fall in love with Louisville Stoneware all over again!

I NEED the pink fleur-de-lis julep cup!!
You can visit Louisville Stoneware -- online or in person -- today to pick up a birdhouse of your own! Trust me, they're even more darling in person!

(No member of the HerKentucky staff was compensated for this post.)