Wildcat Service Dogs
I recently heard about the most inspiring thing, y'all.
State Farm's Neighborhood Assist Program provides grant money to deserving charities in all 50 states. The Kentucky charity that just received a $25,000 grant from State Farm combines a couple of my very favorite things -- UK, dogs, and helping others. Wildcat Service Dogs is a training organization based at the University of Kentucky which pairs service dog puppies with college students who train the dogs. The charity's description from the WSD website does a great job of telling their story:
Wildcat Service Dogs (WSD) is a newly formed service dog training organization at the University of Kentucky that is dedicated to training assistance dogs and raising awareness about the laws that protect them. All of our dogs are owned by WSD, and upon graduation from our program, they will move onto advanced training at an advanced training organization.
All WSD dogs are raised by college students, who are responsible for the socialization, training and housing of a service dog puppy for up to 2 years. All of our trainers go through a rigorous selection and basic training process prior to receiving their puppy. All trainers are required to attend weekly training sessions and monthly socialization outings in addition to writing a weekly progress report.
Wildcat Service Dogs was founded in the spring of 2011, when University of Kentucky (UK) student Katie Skarvan received an assistance dog Goldendoodle puppy to train. While attending classes at UK, several students approached Katie and asked her how to get involved in the puppy raising process. A few months later, a second student received a dog to train through this program. The name of this student is Jennifer Hamilton, and the dog that she raised was an Australian Shepherd x Poodle mix. The organization grew from there, and WSD officially registered with the University of Kentucky in August of that same year.
This is just amazing, y'all. I mean, college students helping dogs who help the community. What an amazingly deserving cause. And what initiative for college kids to undertake this! And they help gorgeous puppies like Chevy
and Jackson
grow up into caring, responsible dogs that help people who need them.
Thanks so much to Wildcat Service Dogs for the great work they do for the Central Kentucky community and thanks to State Farm for letting us know about the grant. You can donate to WSD here, or learn more on their Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Who's inspiring y'all lately?
and Jackson
grow up into caring, responsible dogs that help people who need them.
Thanks so much to Wildcat Service Dogs for the great work they do for the Central Kentucky community and thanks to State Farm for letting us know about the grant. You can donate to WSD here, or learn more on their Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Who's inspiring y'all lately?