The Holiday Breakfast Buffet

Thanksgiving isn't my favorite.

Easter Breakfast
When I think of Thanksgiving, I also think of all those times we waited and waited to eat. When we were kids, there was always this sense that "there's no need to eat when we'll have all that food." But, you know, Thanksgiving dinner wasn't until 1 or 2. That's a long-assed time to wait.

Christmas Breakfast
As an adult, I often find myself at my parents' for the holidays. I've fallen into the habit of preparing a holiday morning buffet. Easy recipes I make time and again. Things everyone loves. It's a great way to start the morning, and you don't have to wait so long until the big holiday meal. Sometimes, I make a quiche. Sausage balls are always a good call. And country ham biscuits (always on Sister Schubert's rolls!) are everybody's favorite.

This morning, I put together the traditional buffet. We talked UK basketball. And we eased into the holiday. It was a great start to the day.