I'm so pleased to feature a dear friend's guest post today! Merril Flanary is a Kentucky girl currently living, studying and working in Sweden. She's a Renaissance woman - talented with words, musical instruments and a love for the natural world. I hope you enjoy her perspective on Kentucky's forests.
Blanton Forest by Merril Flanary |
Growing up at the end of a country road in
a small town in central Kentucky, I was surrounded by forests. Although my parents labored in flower beds
near the house, they applied a more laissez-faire gardening approach to most of
the property. The eighty-year-old sugar
maple and red oak trees planted when the house was first built were left to
grow. The shed where we parked the
lawnmower was actually a ½-acre grove of pawpaw trees my dad saw no point in
trying to contain. We burned black
locust for heat in the winter and revelled in the sight of dogwood blooms
commencing Derby season in the spring. For
me, trees were beautiful and strong things that fulfilled our utilitarian needs
almost as often as they provided us with seasonal aesthetic pleasures.
I suppose it was all those years amongst my
family’s trees that first sparked my interest in forestry. A forestry summer course in high school
sealed the deal. After learning to
identify a few species and how to use a compass, I was certain there was no
better subject to study. Soon after, I
was enrolled as an undergraduate forestry student at the University of Kentucky.
Photo by Beverly James |
Kentucky’s forests are incredibly complex. Rivaled only by the tropical rainforests of
Central and South America, Kentucky’s forests are among the most diverse in the
world. There are almost 100 native tree
species found throughout the Commonwealth; the forests in the Pacific Northwest
or the Rocky Mountains have only a handful.
The seven distinct ecological regions in Kentucky harbor an equal number
of unique forest types, each with their own assortments of geology, soils,
mammals, reptiles, insects, and birds. Our
forests are an important oasis for ecological processes and biodiversity.
Kentucky’s forest industry is unique and
significant. Almost half of Kentucky’s
surface area is covered in forests, most of which are owned by private
landowners in small tracts less than ten-acres in size. Unlike other states, where government or
large corporations own much of the forest land, these private citizens provide
95% of the saw timber that makes up Kentucky’s forest industry. Harvesting red oak, white oak and
yellow-poplar, Kentucky is among the top three hardwood producers in the US.
Blanton Forest by Merril Flanary |
My love affair for forestry grew most
significantly while studying and subsequently working in the forests of eastern
Kentucky. The remoteness and rugged
terrain of this region are among the reasons it has earned the reputation of redheaded
stepchild of Kentucky society, but it was for these reasons I found myself drawn
to the region. Dodging rattlesnakes and
black bears, I studied and worked in eastern Kentucky for five years. Nowhere else in the state are there as many tracts
of intact forest, and it was in these forests my budding interests grew and
Photo by Merril Flanary |
When you walk ten feet in a forest in
eastern Kentucky—with the smallest shift in aspect or a few feet in elevation—the
scene completely changes. In the
bottomlands, dense stands of eastern hemlock and American beech trees shade
freshwater streams and provide safe cover for birds. Along a northeast facing slope, the perfectly
straight stems of yellow-poplar grow as uniformly as the fields of corn that
settlers grew there a century ago. Majestic
white oak, hickory, and black cherry scatter hilltops providing an abundance of
food for an array of animals. Perhaps
the most endearing quality of these forests is the variety of plants finding
purchase on the forest floor. Squaw root
punctures through the litter layer, maidenhair fern dances in a warm breeze,
and Virginia creeper crawls over rocks and roots in search of sunlight.
Photo by Kyle Napier |
The diversity of Kentucky’s forests and the
dynamic uses of these forests make them an integral part of our culture. As a child climbing over broken branches in
my backyard, I never thought I would one day commit myself to the study of
forests. It has been a rewarding
endeavour that is far from over and makes my experience as a Kentucky girl all
the richer.