Eat Y'all Connect Dinner at Star Hill Provisions
“If it wasn’t for food, we’d all be dead. And if it wasn’t for Southern food, we’d all be bored.”
There are few things better than a trip to Maker’s Mark Distillery and a fantastic meal at Star Hill Provisions. Maker’s is one of my very favorite distillery trips, and the food at Star Hill is always fantastic! I was so excited to hear about an upcoming dinner at Star Hill Provisions that showcases some amazing local producers, including Alfresco Pasta, Maker’s Mark Distillery, Delta Grind, Freedom Run Farm,Pecan Ridge Plantation, Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese, Blackberry Farm Brewery and Two Brooks Farm!
The folks at Eat Y’all ( a group which exists to connect chefs to better ingredients with a mission to grow a sustainable future for the South’s food farmers and producers) recently reached out to let me know that they’ll be stopping at Star Hill as part of their Fall 2018 Connect Tour. The Connect dinner, which will be held Monday October 29th, is a celebration of Southern farms and producers to benefit CORE - Children of Restaurant Employees. The meal will be prepared by Star Hill Provisions Chef Newman Miller and Lockbox Executive Chef Jonathan Searle, and will also include complimentary Maker’s Mark cocktails and craft beer courtesy of Blackberry Farm Brewery. (Tickets are available here — use code HERKENTUCKY20 for 20% off your ticket!)
The dinner will benefit CORE (Children of Restaurant Employees), which grants support to children of food and beverage service staff navigating life-altering circumstances. CORE is the nationally recognized community of support for all food and beverage service families in need by ensuring they feel cared for and valued.
Tickets are available here — use code HERKENTUCKY20 for 20% off your ticket!