Finding the Right Thanksgiving Outfit
Thanksgiving and I have a bit of a history.
I love the idea of a holiday centered around giving thanks and feasting with loved ones. But, I always feel that Thanksgiving suffers from a bit of an identity crisis. Is it a fancy day of feasting or a casual day of food and football? Do you pull out a nice outfit for the family photos or, like Joey Tribbiani, do you look for stretchy pants to accommodate the day's indulgences? Do you make a quick trip to visit family for a day or two or do you celebrate with friends in your chosen town? Seriously, pull yourself together and figure out what you stand for, Thanksgiving.
Of course, I'm joking. Thanksgiving is about celebrating all the ways in which we've been blessed; we give thanks for the bounty with which we've been blessed. We visit with our loved ones and we reflect on the year.
"The Pilgrims' Progress", Life Magazine's Thanksgiving cover 1914.
But that still doesn't mean I know what to wear. In fact, I never feel like I'm going to get it right.
I always feel like I should wear a basic sweater dress and tall boots. A classic, elegant autumn outfit, right?
If I dress up that much, though, I find myself among folks who are wearing yoga gear and sneakers. It's comfortable, for sure, but it never feels right for a holiday to me.
I always decide on an outfit that's pulled-together, but casual. Jeans, a scarf, a nice sweater, and boots. Something that says "I'm here for a holiday, but I can still walk the dogs or help with the dishes."
Besides, isn't it more important to focus on the feast and fellowship than the ensemble?