Kentucky Life + Style + Travel Blog

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#BLUBRUNCH with Southern Blog Society and Marriott's Blu Italian Grille

This weekend, I attended a brunch at Blu Italian Grille in the Louisville Downtown Marriott for Kentucky members of the Southern Blog Society. It was so much fun to meet some girls whose sites I love, like Danielle of Lou What Wear and Beth of Seersucker + Saddles, as well as get an introduction to blogs and bloggers I didn't know, like Grace of A Southern Drawl and Jennifer of Girl Eats World.

Me, Grace, Danielle, Beth, and Jennifer

We chatted about life, SEO, and social media. And, of course, Derby. But the oddest thing was that, at a table full of social media addicts, nobody took the time to Instagram the buffet brunch. To me, that's always a sign that the food (and company) are quite good!

While several diners enjoyed the breakfast offerings, I headed toward the herb-rubbed New York Strip, roasted asparagus with baby bell peppers, and a cup of cioppino. Let me tell y'all, it was fabulous. Real, life, meal-type food in a frou-frou breakfast buffet setting. I also enjoyed a cheese plate from the Kentucky proud table, as well as a glass of John Conti peach iced tea with mint -- the closest replica to my beloved Nashville-style Fruit Tea that I've found in the Commonwealth. A glass or two of prosecco washed it all down nicely!

I can't recommend the #blubrunch highly enough for your next get-together or fancy brunch. The food and service were supurb!

{Thanks to Danielle for planning the event, to Grace for letting me reproduce a photo from her Instagram account, and to Blu for the complimentary #blubrunch!}