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Derby Style from Vineyard Vines

As soon as you decide to attend the Derby, you start thinking of what you're going to wear. I think that's a rule that applies to most everybody. Whether you're concerned with dressing for the weather conditions, staying comfortable, or standing out in the crowd, you give it some thought. Maybe even a test run or two. 

The folks over at Vineyard Vines were kind enough to send us some photos of their 2013 Kentucky Derby Collection. I love the bright colors, preppy vibe, and fun attitude! I especially adore the neckties -- the mint juleps, fleurs de lis and silks are so perfect for anyone who loves Louisville or a trip to the track!

Mint Julep tie
Fleur de Lis
The Vineyard Vines fun doesn't stop with their clothing selections. As the Official Style of the Kentucky Derby, VV is going to be all over Louisville this weekend. Look for them at  4th Street Live!, the Barnstable Brown party, and at both Oaks and Derby. There will be plenty of swag, live entertainment, and lots of fun Derby style. There's even a tractor in a fun VV patchwork print!

In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite looks from the Vineyard Vines Derby Collection:
Run for the Roses Ruffle Dress

Horseshoe Gingham Breakers Pants
What are y'all wearing to Derby this year?
{No member of the HerKentucky writing staff was compensated in any way for this post.}