My 2013 Kentucky Resolutions
Well, my 2013 Kentucky resolutions are going to sound a LOT like my 2012 Kentucky Resolutions. Let's revisit shall we?
- Visit Mammoth Cave. A national park and the longest cave system in the world - not to mention just about two and a half hours from my house - Mammoth Cave seems to always be at the top of any list of Kentucky tourist attractions. I'm not quite sure how I escaped childhood without a single field trip there but I plan to remedy that this year.
- Become a Kentucky Colonel. One of the most humiliating moments of my life was when I worked for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. One of the interns found out I was from Kentucky and exclaimed, "Are you a Kentucky Colonel?!? I am!" He had never even been to Kentucky. He was from NEW JERSEY. Oh, the shame.
- Visit Bubbleland. The Kentucky Bend fascinates me. I'm not saying a visit would be life-changing but it's close and seems like something you just gotta see.
- Try Col. Bill Newsom's Aged Kentucky Country Ham. This recently popped up on a essential Kentucky list in Garden and Gun. One of the few culinary experiences in Western Kentucky, it seems crazy I haven't tried it yet.
- Go to Tater Day in Benton. Every cool kid in my high school skipped school to go to Tater Day. I'm not sure why I never went except that I wasn't that cool. Well, there's nothing to stop me now and I love sweet potatoes.
Y'all, if it weren't for my beloved Nanny this year would have been a COMPLETE and TOTAL bust. Up to about a week ago, I hadn't checked a single stinking thing off the list. Luckily, I have the best grandmother IN THE WORLD and for Christmas she presented me and my husband with our Kentucky Colonel certificates. I literally squealed.
Need photographic proof?
I have to say if I was going to pick one thing to check off my list this would have been the one!
But still! Time to step it up. My husband went to Princeton about a thousand times for work and there is NO reason he couldn't have brought me back some ham! And Bubbleland hasn't gone anywhere! And was I REALLY too busy to miss Tater Day.
No more.
This is the year! I'm will NOT be reposting this list again. 2013 is the year!
~ Sarah Stewart Holland