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HerKentucky Business: Rebirth Recycling

Tina Rodgers is a mom, a musician and a small business owner. We're pleased to feature her in today's HerKentucky Business feature. Tina's designs are funky, chic and ecologically responsible. Check out her online shop or make a trip to downtown Frankfort to see her designs in person!


online: http://rebirthrecycling.etsy. com 
my shop is located at 235 West Main Street Frankfort, Ky.

When did you start your small business? 

October 2010

What are your specialties?  

I take discarded textiles/materials and "upcycle"/ rework them into new fashions predominantly women's wrap skirts and dresses.

Have you had formal training in your craft, are you self-taught? 

I am self taught.  "Necessity is the mother of invention."

From where does your inspiration come? 

I have always been resourceful and feel that we can take whatever is in front of us and create something new.  My first skirt came after my dad's passing... I took some shirts  that we hadn't donated and didn't want to just have in the back of the closet...from those shirts I made a skirt.  It was very cathartic and became a living tribute/keepsake.  From that experience my clothing has evolved into what it is today.

What is your favorite part of owning a small craft business in Kentucky?

I love the freedom to take what others don't want and designing a new life for it.  I also enjoy meeting so many wonderful people.  In my online shop I have sold nationally/ internationally and forged some great friendships through these exchanges. Locally, I have met people in my own town that I might never have met otherwise and have enjoyed getting to know them immensely.  The friendships and feeling of that old world ethic that the customer/client is valued above all else is also a great source of fondness for me.

What makes your products unique? 

I think my product is unique in that I am an intuitive designer.  My degree is in Music.  When you are trained in something it can be hard to maintain a passion overtime.  You censor yourself and don't venture into trusting your instincts completely.  With my designs of a resourceful nature, the intuitive process of meeting someone and custom making a skirt or dress for them creates new textures and color schemes I would never have thought of on my is a "living" process..wearable art.  Each is unique like a fingerprint although my structures are of a simple, minimalist nature.

I love Tina's work and intend to stop by her shop soon. In the meantime, I've been perusing her Etsy collection and picked some definite favorites (UK themed, of course)! I was also happy to learn that Tina loves doing custom work and offers all sizes.