I'd Rather Be Reading by Anne Bogel Book Review


{Disclaimer: This review contains affiliate links to Amazon.com. I will be compensated a very small amount per book purchased through the links contained in this post, at no additional charge to you. I was provided an advance copy of the book by the author; all opinions are my own.}

My friend Anne Bogel's book of bookish essays came out a couple of weeks ago and y'all, it is so good.

Anne is the blogger behind Modern Mrs. Darcy and the podcaster behind What Should I Read Next? and, as her internet ventures' names would suggest, she really knows books. She also knows people, and human nature. She's a smart, kind, and funny lady who's spent a lot of time reflecting on personality types, reading styles, and all sorts of meta/ intellectual things. And she manages to write about these things in an accessible, warm, and funny style.

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I’d Rather Be Reading is a collection of brief, lovely essays about the delights and obstacles encountered by those of us who really know and love books. There are musings on how many copies of a title you should own (If you find yourself in possession of multiples, you should own three. Two, it seems, is an oversight; three is a collection), reflections on reading the right books at the right time, and a charming story about how different the dream of working as a bookseller is from the job’s reality.

Louisville natives will recognize the St Matthews Eline Library as the “library next door” which Anne visited daily when her children were young, as well as Carmichael’s Bookstore and the late, lamented Hawley-Cooke Booksellers. Anyone who loves books will appreciate her quest to read as often as possible.
