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The Best Hot Dog in Kentucky

Here at HerKentucky, we're all about the crazy food holidays. In fact, with the extreme weather conditions this year, we haven't wanted to talk about much more than food all summer. Ice cream, cobbler, fried chicken, barbecue, hamburgers, and doughnuts: we've spent the summer counting down the best local treats. Today is National Hot Dog Day, and we thought we'd do the same, except...

We couldn't really make a list.

I have to say that, as much as I love roadside / diner/ fast food, I just don't like hot dogs. In fact, I can't say that I've eaten one since I was a kid, or at very least old enough to make the "what do you want to eat?" call for myself. So, I put the call out to the HerKentucky team. Weirdly, we couldn't get enough input to make a top 5 list.

Senate Hot Dog, Cincinnati.

Glenda notes that she loves Cincinnati's Senate, which reimagines street food in a gourmet setting. You can get a dog with anything from kimchi to crushed Grippos potato chips. But, as we all know, Cincy isn't technically in Kentucky; there's a little bit of water separating the two.

Jennifer tells us that there's a funky little hot dog stand and antique shop on Glasgow Road in Scottsville called Paradise Point that serves a good grilled hot dog along with some cute and unique shopping.

Over on Coal Miner's Bride, our friend Nikki says that the Prestonsburg Dairy Cheer has the best hot dog in the world. Growing up in Floyd County, I went to that Dairy Cheer many times, but I always got a hamburger and some sort of slushy that was like orange sherbet and sprite. I don't recall the name of that drink, but it sure was tasty.

And, I know that our friend Erin from Irreverin speaks highly of Weaver's hot dogs in London, but I seem to remember reading that they had a massive fire earlier this year, so I don't quite know if they're in business.

I've heard talk of Cincinnati-style coneys in Northern Kentucky; I know that a lot of people here in Louisville love Red's, which is located downtown. 

Like I said, a Hot Dog Day Top 5 List just isn't in the cards today.

Now, I know that a lot of y'all don't agree with me on this whole hot dog thing. It's cool. I mean, my beau doesn't agree with me. It even appears that my Life Hero Chrissy Teigen doesn't agree with me.

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And, I'm willing to bet that a whole lot of y'all don't agree with me. So, let's hear it, HerKentucky readers: Who makes the best hot dog in Kentucky?


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