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My 2018 New Year's Resolution

I've never been one for New Year's Resolutions. The idea that the arbitrary turn of a clock dial will miraculously give you the willpower to lose 20 pounds or give up Diet Coke once and for all seems a little too cute for me. I had the wonderful opportunity to take a few days off at the end of 2017, though, and I got pretty introspective. 2017 was a pretty monumental year at my house. A lot of hard things happened and so did some wonderful things. We had both big wins and big losses professionally; we had some illness and some setbacks, and we had some big accomplishments. And, we kind of left the year feeling exhausted and mired down in minutia. So, I set a fairly introspective and all-encompassing goal for Bob and me for 2018: This will be the year that we live bigger.

Now, that can of course be interpreted to mean more risk and more reward; a bigger home, bigger plans, and bigger goals. And, it goes without saying, those are part of the plan. However, what I'm really talking about is keeping our eyes on bigger goals. Not getting bogged down with pettiness and day-to-day drama -- this is a big one for me. Keeping myself focused on the end game.

I hope y'all will join me in living bigger in 2018. Think about your bigger goals. Travel more. Focus on leaving a lasting legacy. Help others more. Don't get distracted by petulance or gossip. Discover your hidden talents. Don't run away from big goals or big ideas. Live bigger.

What are your goals/ resolutions for 2018?