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Blogger {View} Wednesday: Courtney Layne Brewer of Behind Her Monogrammed Macbook

Today's Blogger{view} Wednesday features Courtney Layne Brewer of Behind Her Monogrammed Macbook. Courtney is a Lexington-based high school student, fashion and lifestyle blogger, and all-around cool girl. I'm just so impressed that she manages her blog along with schoolwork and normal high school stuff (like her school's production of Legally Blonde!). She is just the cutest!! Thanks so much to CLB for joining us today!

How did your blog get started? I started blogging in February of 2014 for a multitude of reasons. I had always loved fashion, always been a writer, and the inspiration from friends-of-friends starting blogging sparked something in me. I had just moved to a brand new house with a brand new room, and I started BHMM out of pure inspiration to change along with my new house.

What's your favorite thing about Kentucky? Oh so many things, all depending on the season. In the fall my life centers around Kentucky football and our huge tailgates. Once the new year comes, I live for basketball and cheering on my Cats. But if I had to pick one thing, it's Keeneland. Spring and fall meet seasons are my favorite parts of the year and Keeneland is my happy place.


What advice do you have for someone who wants to start a blog? Never be afraid to make the ask. The biggest part of blogging is reaching out and making connections, and you can't be afraid. No matter how big the company or how "impossible" the dream, you never know what could happen, the worst answer you can get is no.

Now for the important questions.

Cats or Cards: C-A-T-S CATS CATS CATS! I've been going to UK games since I was three and can never imagine cheering for the Cards.

Louisville or Lexington: Lexington is my home, wouldn't have it any other way.

Favorite Local Restaurant: Malone's and Dudley's are two of my classic favorites, but North Lime Donuts is slowly becoming an addiction.

Favorite Local Shop: Bluetique is my favorite local boutique, but I love Kentucky brands like Shop Local Kentucky.

Thanks again to Courtney, and don't forget to check out her blog, Instagram, and Facebook page!