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The Most Bluegrass State Weekend Ever!

Happy Friday, y'all!

Spring in Kentucky is the best. I mean, THE BEST. The weather is gorgeous, and the festivities are seemingly never-ending. There's Keeneland, and Derby Festival, and Derby, and ALL THE BASKETBALL. Here in Kentucky, we're like kids in a candy store, if the candy store had wagering windows and bourbon cocktails. While the official start of spring was a few weeks ago, this weekend is the kickoff to Spring in the Bluegrass, marked by the Final Four and Keeneland's Opening Day

Our friends at the Prickly Pear have just stocked the absolute cutest shirt to help you celebrate The Most Bluegrass State Weekend Ever. 


Headed to the UK game? It's totally appropriate. 

Watching the game at home or out with friends? Perfect.

Going to Opening Day? Probably not appropriate, but great for the post-track nap.

If you're in Louisville, head out to The Prickly Pear in Middletown to pick one up. If you're out of town, give them a shout at (502) 254-7327 to order one!

Happy Bluegrass Weekend, y'all!