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The HerKentucky Guide to Repeal Day

On December 5, 1933, the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, marking the end of Prohibition. Led at its most fanatic fringes by temperance activists Garrard County, KY, native Carry Nation, the prohibition of sales and manufacturing of alcoholic beverages was intended to increase the nation's public health and morals. Of course, Prohibition merely drove alcohol production and procurement underground, often resulting in dangerous (not to mention unpalatable) concoctions. Here in Kentucky, we also suffered a major economic setback, as the bourbon industry was shuttered for a decade. (Read more about Kentucky and Prohibition here.)

Here in Louisville, we're always looking for a fun party, especially one that celebrates our native spirit. Here are some fun Repeal Day happenings in the Derby City this weekend:

Happy Repeal Day, y'all! Here's to Kentucky's finest spirits!

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